Do you guys feel the difficulty in taking complex life decisions or you sometimes question your mental power to understand things or maybe you compare others or you get compared for your opinions on a social platform. Perhaps you feel you aren’t good with words or maybe to sum up your thoughts, you feel being INTELLECTUAL is actually a genetic thing. It’s not everybody’s cup of tea. DO YOU?
First of all let’s get a clarity that what an intellectual person is all about, so that all your misconceptions can rest in peace.
An intellectual is a person who engages in critical thinking, research, and reflection about society, proposes solutions for its normative problems, and gains authority as a public figure
So in a layman’s term all we can say is- “If you do not express your own original ideas, if you do not listen to your own being , you will have betrayed yourself ”.
Now how to develop an intellectual mind. There are some of the key points to remember :-
Guys we all are living in 21st century and it’s really okay to talk about anything & be welcoming to others’ opinions. With time, you will built the ability to cross counter others if you disagree them on any topic, but what’s important is to participate.
People who are intellectual they don’t just blabber anything; they do their homework on time.
Research work can be done in any of the field or topics, all you have to do is to analyse it properly and then take out key content.
For Example :-
- Politically where you should be keeping up to date with government legislation and policy as well as general political developments.
- Socially where you plan, design, conduct, manage and report on social research projects or issues. You’ll use a variety of methods to collect, analyse and organise the data.
- Psychologically where you analyse the experiences and behaviours of individuals or groups. This research can be educational, occupational and clinical too.
Whether it’s one on one conversations or group discussions, you should be subtle & amiable to put forward your point of view. Being aggressive or hyper in a discussion won’t lead you anywhere. Share your views and try to understand others’ point of view too.
I know for some of us it’s difficult to face people or we have stage fears or are simply shy but till the time you’ll ignore communication and interaction how will you expand your horizon. It’s a need of the hour to put efforts in order to overcome those fears.
- Now in the end just let me burst the MYTH OF INTELLECT BEING GENETIC.
The answer is a big NO. People out there understand that intellectualism is nor a gift neither an inheritance gained from your parents so stop blaming them. It’s a process that evolves with time. Error, omission & correction are part of it. As knowledge is a unending aspect of life so is being intellectual . You got to put your own efforts and start learning things from your experience.
“Great minds discuss ideas ; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people .”
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Very well !!
Wow this is amazing❤️